Sports Injury Clinic . . .
Experienced medical practitioners available dealing with various sports injuries. Some of the injuries treated in the clinic are:

· Tennis Elbow
· Golfers Elbow
· Shin Splints
· Ankle Sprain
· Achilles Tendonitis
· Plantar Fasciitis
· Jumper’s Knee
· Runner’s Knee
· Lower Back Pain
· Piriformis Syndrome
· Hamstring/ Calf Strain
· Groin Strain
· Foot Injuries
· Cruciate Ligament Strains
· Morton’s Neuroma

Osteopaths will not only treat the injured part but will also consider all the factors that may have led up to and contributed to the injury, which are often as important as the local injury itself. Hydrotherapy and nutritional advice will also be given to accelerate the healing process. The treatment and the management will improve the rate of recovery of the injury.