Osteopathy is an established system of diagnosis and treatment recognized by the British Medical Association. It is a form of manual medicine that keeps the body healthy via unobstructed circulation and nerve innervations. It is a system of diagnosis and treatment that is concerned primarily with the mechanical problems of the body framework. These are principally within the musculoskeletal system, however disturbance in the visceral organs may cause secondary changes within the muscles and joints. It places special emphasis on structural and mechanical problems of the body and endeavors to overcome a wide range of muscular, joint, nerve and spinal conditions, and pains that result from disturbances of the body framework. The art of manual treatment for the aches and ills of the human frame has been practiced for many centuries. Osteopathy was founded by Andew T.Still and has been around for little more than a century in America and arrived in Britain in the early 1900s. In the past two decades there has been a rapid growth of the profession making osteopathy a primary health care medicine offered to the general public.

Current philosophies of Osteopathic Medicine:

- The body is a unit
- Structure and function are reciprocally related
- The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms
- The body has the inherent capacity to defend itself and repair itself
- When normal adaptability is disrupted or when environmental changes overcome
  the body’s capacity for self-maintenance, disease may occur
- Movement of body fluids is essential to the maintenance of health
- The nerves play a crucial part in controlling the fluids of the body
- There are somatic components to disease that are not only manifestations of disease
  but are also factors that contribute to maintenance of the diseased state


Implicit in these philosophies is that osteopathic intervention can have a positive influence on all of the above. Osteopathy combines scientific knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and clinical methods of investigation and you are always seen by a qualified osteopath who has completed a full time degree programme in osteopathic medicine.

Osteopathic medicine places importance in correcting musculo-skeletal movement and blood flow in the human body to increase the body’s response to disease or injury. A lesion at any of the joints of the spine will influence the use of the muscles of the body either in the short term or long term leading to chronic conditions. Any restrictions in these spinal joints of the back will affect the nerve impulses and blood flow in the area of the body affected by that joint even the organs e.g. heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines etc. If there is a lesion at a joint or several joints, the nerve supply and thereby the flow of nutrients via the arteries will not be at an optimum. This affects the organs and muscle tissues at the same spinal level and undermines their normal function making them weaker and prone to injury or disease. Osteopaths like to treat patients as a ‘whole’, and hold the holistic belief that the body functions as a unit. Therefore other areas of the body that may be the primary cause of the symptoms are frequently looked at rather than just the painful area in isolation. Instead of the use of drugs osteopaths use their palpatory skills and manual techniques to discover the underlying causes of pain and to carry out treatment.

Treatments are highly individual to each patient but often involve a variety of techniques including soft tissue techniques, deep tissue treatments, gentle passive joint mobilization, high velocity thrust joint manipulation and rhythmic harmonic techniques. Also nutritional, postural, ergonomic, hydrotherapy and exercise advice is given. First contact with the osteopath before treatment of a patient commences is an initial consultation, which includes taking a detailed medical history followed by a thorough physical examination. This will involve an analysis of body patterns and identification of areas of restriction and weakness. Patient’s posture will also be examined; the way in which the patient moves to detect any restriction or exaggeration in movement in any particular area. A detailed examination of the spine will be made, looking for tenderness, stiffness or displacement and the particular movement of each individual vertebra. The osteopath may also recommend, if necessary, further tests, such as X-rays, MRI, blood or urine tests, to help reach an accurate diagnosis. If osteopathic treatment is not suitable then appropriate referrals will be made. Having made the diagnosis and established the predisposing and maintaining causes of the presenting complaint, the osteopath will begin treatment, assuming that it is advisable and safe to do so. The purpose of treatment is to balance the spine and any tensions around it, as well as balancing stresses in any other structures. By this approach it is possible to normalize the movement of all structures of the body, to decrease the inflammation and swellings, and to reduce any irritations of the nervous system, and disturbances of the circulation.
The Initial Consultation is for a duration of 1 hour.
Consecutive Treatments are for - ½ hour.


Aim Of the Osteopath !!!
To understand the anatomical and physiological breakdown and the resulting dysfunction, in the context of the whole body. The osteopath should attempt to discover where and what the cause of the symptoms are, and also why the dysfunction has occurred, considering the aetiological, predisposing and maintaining factors. The purpose of osteopathic treatment and management is then to enhance the body’s response by encouraging the restoration of normal function and also to remove or reduce the person’s predisposition to the problem.

What can Osteopathic Medicine Treat???

Back Pain / Leg Pain (Sciatica) / Slipped Discs / 'Trapped Nerves'
Pins and Needles / Whiplash Injuries / Neck Pain / Neck Stiffness
Headaches / Migraines / Arm Pain / Foot Pain / Wrist Pain / Hip / Knee Pain
Muscle, Joint Pain / Rheumatism / Arthritic Pain / Numbness in Hands and
Feet / Frozen Shoulder, Stiffness / Chest, Thoracic Cage Pain / Sports Injuries
Generalised Stiffness / Skin Conditions: Eczema, Dermatitis / Elderly
Expectant Mothers / Children and Infants / Digestive Problems / Postural
Strain / Occupational RSI / Repetitive Strain Injuries / General ill-health

OsteoMedica offers specific clinics to the patients such as Sports Injuries Clinic, Children Clinic, Expectant Mothers Clinic and the Elderly clinic. Cranial Osteopathy is also offered.